NMLL is opening-up expressions of Interest from the community to participate in the 2018 Community Learning Champion (CLC) Volunteer Program.
2018 will be the fifth year that NMLL is running the CLC Program.
The CLC Program trains and supports members of the our culturally diverse community to help members of their community to connect to learning and getting involved in their communities. CLC's will actively participate in the design and development of programs, activities and courses run at NMLL. See flyer attached for details for eligibility criterion and for more details regarding the program.
This is what previous CLC's have said about their involvement in the program:
"We learnt to plan activities, I learnt about organising an activity, promoting it to my community and helped to run the activity"
"My English has improved as a CLC, I learnt new information so I could share it with my community"
"I'm proud that I helped others increase their confidence and self-esteem. Now they have clear goals about their future learning goals"
"I wasn't really looking to volunteer, I was looking for work. But volunteering as a CLC was the best thing that I even did and I would encourage others to become a CLC too!"
It is anticipated that the CLC training will commence in late April and early May. All prospective CLC's need to submit a formal application and attend an interview. Places are limited therefore not all people who apply to become CLC's will automatically become CLC's.
Having said this - those that participate in the CLC program have found it very rewarding and for many has led to participation in further studies or securing employment for themselves.
Please spread the information around and feel free to contact me for further information and for application forms.
Kind regards
Loretta Asquini | Community Development Coordinator
Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9am - 3pm and Thursday 9am - 3.40pm
North Melbourne Language & Learning
Ground Floor, 33 Alfred St, North Melbourne, Vic 3051
T 9326 7447 E lasquini@nmll.org.au